A long time ago we recorded one of our albums at a studio far, far away. We weren’t staying the night at the haunted studio, but were recording through the day and early evenings over the course of a weekend, and staying the nights at a hotel nearby. If I remember there were four of us but of all of our MMOC bandmates over the years I’m only positive Anthony was there with me on this session. But Alan and Jason were probably there and culprits as well.
Anyway, there was a break in the Saturday recording session. We were probably doing some overdubs. We had a few moments to spare so we went out onto a porch overlooking the woods. One of us, certainly not myself (probably Al), was smoking a pipe of tobacco and it became clogged. With no other option we grabbed a pen sitting in the control room to unclog the pipe. While the pipe was successfully cleaned, the pen was left unusable. As the head of the studio returned from his break I quickly grabbed the pen and tossed it deep into the darkness of the wood. Hours later we wrapped up a successful session. As we were leaving I reached into my pocked and grabbed a check to pay the studio/engineer/producer for their time. I needed a pen to write who to make it out to - Unfortunately “The Pen” was missing. As everyone began nervously laughing, I tried to keep my composure and ultimately ended up signing the check with a pencil. We left with our lives and recordings intact, but the haunting cloud hanging over “The Pen” remains.
AuthorMMOC frontman Tyler Calkins does his usual ranting Categories
September 2024